Importing Advanced Videos into Protern Video

Protern's Advanced Video format lets you send and import video with dynamic data overlays for the most flexibility.

In addition to filming your own videos, you can import Advanced Videos and Plain Videos into the Protern Video app.

Difference between importing Advanced vs Plain Video

Advanced Video (.protern or .proternx files) Plain Video
  • Includes accurate timestamp for precise data syncing
  • Can include data such as, athlete's name, speed, quantriq splits, comparison to the fastest
  • If the Advanced Video includes data, then  the athlete's Protern account is not required
  • .proternx files are a collection of more than one Advanced Videos
  • Can still be viewed in the player
  • Video cannot be accurately linked with data
  • Athlete names can be attached to video

How to import shared Advanced and Plain Videos

There are two ways to import videos into Protern Video:

  1. Tapping the import icon in the app
  2. Tapping on the video file in WhatsApp, Google Drive, Gmail, etc

Importing via the Import icon

  1. Tap the import icon
  2. Select Advanced Video or Plain Video
    1. For Advanced Video, find the file with the .protern or .proternx file extension
    2. For Plain Video, select the video from your gallery (Android) or camera roll (iOS) 

Importing video from WhatsApp, Google Drive, etc

  1. To import Advanced Video (.protern or .proternx files), tap on the file
  2. iOS: Select Protern Video to open the file, or select Protern Video from the More option

  3. Android: Select Protern Video and tap Always to always open .protern and .proternx files with Protern Video