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  2. Video and Protern.io data
  3. Protern Video - Mobile App for Data-Enhanced Video

Assigning athletes and data to imported or previously filmed video

Here's how to assign data to video you've imported from other Protern Video users, or LTC encoded video from a video camera.

While it is possible to assign athletes and data to a video immediately after filming, sometimes there isn't enough time or the quantriq hasn't been built yet.

The other scenario where you may need to assign athletes and data to video long after it has been filmed is when importing video from another Protern Video user who doesn't have access to your data.

There are two ways to assign athletes and data:

  1. Assigning data for a single video
  2. Assigning data for multiple videos at once

Assigning data for a single video

  1. Tap on the video in the gallery
  2. Scroll down and click on the Assign an athlete button
  3. Select the athlete from your list of Protern athlete
  4. Pick the type of data you would like to include in your video
    1. Speed Only - This data type does not require a quantriq and is available immediately after an athlete syncs their sensor
    2. Quantriq - This data includes the most information and requires a quantriq to be made prior to assign it to an athlete. It is not required that the athlete has any runs yet in the quantriq. Protern Video will monitor the quantriq for the athlete's data and automatically download it when it becomes available.

  5. If you select Speed Only skip to step 7. If you select Quantriq, proceed to the next step.
  6. Tap on the Assign quantriq button and select the Comparison Type and the quantriq
  7. Protern Video will download the data if it is available. If it is not, the message "Data not available yet" will be displayed and the app will automatically download it when is becomes available.

Assigning data for multiple videos

  1. Select multiple videos
    1. Press and hold the first video, then tap the other videos to select them
    2. Tap the checkbox beside the date to select all videos for that day
    3. Tap the option menu on the video and select Multi Select, then tap the other videos to select them
  2. On the top multi select menu, tap the Assign icon
  3. For each video, the app will automatically play the video so that you can listen for any audio identifying the athlete. This feature can be turned on or off in the settings menu.
    1. Select the athlete from your list of Protern athlete, or press Skip to go to the next video
      Assign athlete filming phone-jpg
    2. Pick the type of data you would like to include in your video, or press Skip to go to the next video
      1. Speed Only - This data type does not require a quantriq and is available immediately after an athlete syncs their sensor
        Assign speed only filming phone-jpg
      2. Quantriq - This data includes the most information and requires a quantriq to be made prior to assign it to an athlete. It is not required that the athlete has any runs yet in the quantriq. Protern Video will monitor the quantriq for the athlete's data and automatically download it when it becomes available.
        Assign quantriq filming phone-jpg

    3. After the data has been selected, the app will switch to the next video you selected so you can repeat steps 3a-3b.