How to Use the Protern Video App

Everything you need to know to use the Protern Video app to shoot, analyze and share your data-enhanced video.

Protern Video is an mobile app for iOS and Android that lets you film athletes wearing Protern sensors and merge the sensor data with video. The video can analyzed on the device, or shared with other Protern Video users for their own analysis.

This support article covers all the basics for the Protern Video app.

Table of Contents

  1. Supported devices and requirements
  2. Features available to Protern Users versus non-Protern Users
  3. Guide to the Protern Video icons
  4. How to film athletes and assign data
  5. How to assign data to previously filmed athletes
  6. Using the Protern Video gallery
  7. Using Protern Video for data-enhanced video analysis

  8. Exporting videos to share in Protern Video
  9. Importing shared videos into Protern Video

Supported devices and requirements

Protern Video is available for iOS and Android phones and tablets.

Downloading the app

The app requirements

  • Internet connection is required for filming and syncing data
  • iOS 12 or Android 7
  • Tablet and phones are supported

Features available for Protern Users vs Non-Protern Users

The Protern Video app can be used by both users with a Protern login and those without a login. Below is an outline of the features that are available for each.

Features Not Logged In Logged In
Filming and data assigning functions    
Film video with accurate time stamp for accurate data syncing
Assign athlete name to video  
Assign speed data to video  
Assign quantriq data (timing, splits, comparing to the fastest)  
Video analysis functions    
Slow motion playback
Trim video length
Toggle data overlay on/off ✅*
Change data type (speed only, quantriq data) ✅*
Change overlay templates ✅*
*Available when importing advanced video from another Protern Video user     
Video Gallery    
Filter videos by date
Favorite a video
Filter videos by athlete  
Filter videos by available data  
Export and share functions    
Export simple video 
Export advanced video with accurate time stamp
Share videos using WhatsApp, Google Drive, Messages, etc
Export advanced video with athlete and data information  
Export video with rendered athlete and data   
Import functions    
Import advanced video with athlete and data information
Import standard video

Guide to the Protern Video icons

Video recording and import

The two icons are always present at the bottom of the gallery page.

Record video
Import video

Gallery video thumbnail

The following include all the possible icons that can appear on the video thumbnail in the gallery.

Athlete's name
Time the video was taken in the phone's timezone 
Video duration
Imported video
Overlay data is available for analysis
Overlay data has been selected but is not available yet for download
Imported video does not have an accurate time stamp
Option menu

Gallery multi-select

On the gallery page you can access the multi-select menu by tapping the checkbox beside the date, or long-pressing a video then tapping other videos.

    Assign athlete name and data to selected videos*
    Export selected videos
    Duplicate selected videos
    Delete selected videos
  *For logged in users only


Video page

You can access the video page by tapping on a video from the gallery.

    Trim the video 
    Duplicate video*
    Export video
    Toggle the data overlay on and off*
    Play video in full-screen mode
  *For logged in users only

How to film athletes and assign data

Important: In order to have the most accurate video to data sync, your device will need to be connected to the Internet when filming.

Not logged in users

  1. Tap on the camera icon in the gallery view
  2. You can record in either portrait or landscape mode
  3. Press the red circle to begin and stop recording
  4. Zoom by using the slider located near the record button
    Filming athlete using Protern Video
  5. When you are done filming, tap Save to keep your video or Delete to remove it

Logged in users

  1. Follow steps 1-5. Continue to step 2 below if you Save the video.
  2. Assign an athlete to the video
    1. Tap on the athlete from the list of your Protern athletes
    2. If your athlete doesn't appear (i.e. you don't have access to the athlete's data) or you don't need to film another video immediately, tap Skip
  3. Assign the data to the video
    1. Speed Only - Tap this option if you have not made a quantriq yet and want to have access to data immediately after the athlete syncs their sensor.

    2. Quantriq - Protern Video will display all quantriqs for the selected athlete that are valid when the video was recorded.
      Comparison Type provides three options for comparing the run's time and speed. Overall Fastest compares to the overall fastest. Athlete's Fastest compares to the athlete's fastest run. Run's Fastest compares to the fastest run.
    3. If you don't want to select data yet, you can press Skip

Note: You can assign data to a video at any point. Protern Video will check the server to see if any data is available for that athlete and over the period of time the recording took place. If there is no data yet (i.e. the athlete hasn't synced their sensor yet), the app periodically check the server and automatically download it when it becomes available.

Assigning athletes and data to imported or previously filmed video

While it is possible to assign athletes and data to a video immediately after filming, sometimes there isn't enough time or the quantriq hasn't been built yet.

The other scenario where you may need to assign athletes and data to video long after it has been filmed is when importing video from another Protern Video user who doesn't have access to your data.

Assigning data one for a single video

  1. Tap on the video in the gallery
  2. Scroll down and click on the Assign an athlete button
  3. Select the athlete from your list of Protern athlete
  4. Pick the type of data you would like to include in your video
    1. Speed Only - This data type does not require a quantriq and is available immediately after an athlete syncs their sensor
    2. Quantriq - This data includes the most information and requires a quantriq to be made prior to assign it to an athlete. It is not required that the athlete has any runs yet in the quantriq. Protern Video will monitor the quantriq for the athlete's data and automatically download it when it becomes available.

  5. If you select Speed Only skip to step 7. If you select Quantriq, proceed to the next step.
  6. Tap on the Assign quantriq button and select the Comparison Type and the quantriq
  7. Protern Video will download the data if it is available. If it is not, the message "Data not available yet" will be displayed and the app will automatically download it when is becomes available.

Assigning data for multiple videos

  1. Select multiple videos
    1. Press and hold the first video, then tap the other videos to select them
    2. Tap the checkbox beside the date to select all videos for that day
    3. Tap the option menu on the video and select Multi Select, then tap the other videos to select them
  2. On the top multi select menu, tap the Assign icon
  3. For each video, the app will automatically play the video so that you can listen for any audio identifying the athlete. This feature can be turned on or off in the settings menu.
    1. Select the athlete from your list of Protern athlete, or press Skip to go to the next video
      Assign athlete filming phone-jpg
    2. Pick the type of data you would like to include in your video, or press Skip to go to the next video
      1. Speed Only - This data type does not require a quantriq and is available immediately after an athlete syncs their sensor
        Assign speed only filming phone-jpg
      2. Quantriq - This data includes the most information and requires a quantriq to be made prior to assign it to an athlete. It is not required that the athlete has any runs yet in the quantriq. Protern Video will monitor the quantriq for the athlete's data and automatically download it when it becomes available.
        Assign quantriq filming phone-jpg

    3. After the data has been selected, the app will switch to the next video you selected so you can repeat steps 3a-3b.

Using the gallery

The Protern Video gallery allows you to do the following:

  • Display videos of certain athletes
  • Filter videos by date
  • Only show favourited videos
  • Only show videos with telemetry 

Using Protern Video for data-enhanced video analysis

Protern Video has been designed to let you analyze your data-enhanced videos in the app.

  • Fullscreen review
    To play the video in fullscreen mode tap the fullscreen icon.

  • Slow motion playback
    You can alter the playback speed, buy tapping the 1X icon and changing the playback speed
  • Turning on and off the data overlays
    The data overlay will be displayed by default if it is available. You can turn off or on the overlay by clicking the data overlay icon.
  • Changing the data overlays
    You can select the different data overlay templates in the dropdown below the video.

Exporting and sharing videos from Protern Video

There are several options for exporting video from the Protern Video app, depending on your requirements. 

Export options

There are three video export options available: Advanced Video, Rendered Video and Plain Video. 

  Advanced Video Rendered Video Plain Video
Best For Flexible Analysis and Sharing Analyzing on Other Devices Simple Viewing
Export Speed Instant Slow Instant
Includes Video with all linked data and precise video timestamps for accurate syncing. Anyone with the Protern Video app can view the videos and select different data templates for customized analysis. Video with data rendered on the screen based on the Data Overlay chosen. Videos can be viewed using any video player. Video with no data that can be viewed using any video player. Note the timestamps may not be accurate. Please use Advanced Video if later syncing with data is required.

Select the best export option based on different scenarios

Here are several different scenarios to help you know what type of export option is best. 

  • Sharing video with athletes
    Export Option: Advanced Video
    Advanced video includes all the data, so the athlete can immediately see their run with their speed, and, if it was originally linked, the quantriq data. They can also turn on and off the data overlay or pick different templates. The athlete can export the video to share with their friends or parents.

  • Exporting videos for analysis with Dartfish, Sprongo, or other video analysis systems
    Export Option: Rendered Video
    Rendered Video includes the data overlay burned right on to the video. This means any video player will show the data overlay. It also means that the overlay can't change or be turned off.

  • Posting videos to social media
    Export Option: Rendered Video or Plain Video
    To spice up your socials with data-overlayed video, select Rendered Video. If you don't want to give away any secrets, then select Plain Video.

  • Sending videos to other coaches
    Export Option: Advanced Video if the other team uses Protern, otherwise Plain Video
    If you are a parent, volunteer, or a coach filming videos of athletes from another team as a favour, you can export as Advanced Video if the other team uses Protern. This will let the other coach, who access to their own athlete's data, to accurately sync the video with the data. If the other team does not use Protern, then exporting as Plain Video will be best.

  • Exporting videos from non-Protern users for later data syncing
    Export Option: Advanced Video
    Anyone can film an athlete wearing a Protern sensor using Protern Video and share it with the coach or athlete for data syncing. Coaches can leverage the parents to get video from multiple angles, or sections of the course they can't see. Athletes can get their friends to film them and send the Advanced Video for syncing.

How to export and share video

  1. Select single video or multiple videos
  2. Click the export icon
  3. Select one of three export options
  4. Select one of the sharing options such as WhatsApp, Save to Files, Google Drive, Messages, Gmail, etc

Importing shared videos into Protern Video

In addition to filming your own videos, you can import Advanced Videos and Plain Videos into the Protern Video app.

Difference between importing Advanced vs Plain Video

Advanced Video (.protern or .proternx files) Plain Video
  • Includes accurate timestamp for precise data syncing
  • Can include data such as, athlete's name, speed, quantriq splits, comparison to the fastest
  • If the Advanced Video includes data, then  the athlete's Protern account is not required
  • .proternx files are a collection of more than one Advanced Videos
  • Can still be viewed in the player
  • Video cannot be accurately linked with data
  • Athlete names can be attached to video

How to import shared Advanced and Plain Videos

There are two ways to import videos into Protern Video:

  1. Tapping the import icon in the app
  2. Tapping on the video file in WhatsApp, Google Drive, Gmail, etc

Importing via the Import icon

  1. Tap the import icon
  2. Select Advanced Video or Plain Video
    1. For Advanced Video, find the file with the .protern or .proternx file extension
    2. For Plain Video, select the video from your gallery (Android) or camera roll (iOS) 

Importing video from WhatsApp, Google Drive, etc

  1. To import Advanced Video (.protern or .proternx files), tap on the file
  2. iOS: Select Protern Video to open the file, or select Protern Video from the More option

  3. Android: Select Protern Video and tap Always to always open .protern and .proternx files with Protern Video