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  2. Video and Protern.io data
  3. Protern Video - Mobile App for Data-Enhanced Video

Protern Video Supported Devices and Requirements

Protern Video is a mobile app that works on iOS (Apple) and Android for both phones and tablets.

Protern Video App Requirements

These are the basic requirements to use the Protern Video app

Protern Video Recommended Devices

Below are some suggestions for getting the best experience with Protern Video

  • A relatively new generation phone or tablet (i.e. 2 years old)
  • High resolution, high frame-rate video from an external camera will need a powerful device such as a high-end Android phone, latest generation iPhone or iPad Pros. This can be mitigated by switching the video camera to a lower resolution and 30 frames per second

Download Protern Video

Download Protern Video for iOS    Download Protern Video for Android